And I make a valentine every year...primarily for the special women in my life, but the men usually enjoy them, too. This year, I chose to make a little painting that would feature a dress and hat that are special to me. My mother made them for my daughter Louisa when she was three years old. She loved "Little House on the Prairie" and "Holly Hobby." Remember, it was the seventies!!!! I still had the dress and hat and sent them to Louisa a few months ago. She now has a family of her own, including Sophia---who is three years old. When I visited recently, Sophia wore the dress and it warmed my heart. Even more, I believe Sophia knew the whole thing was special and why. Grandaughters are sooooo sweet!!!
And, just for fun...I like to add a back view and put it on the back of the card:
With love, Carolyn