Saturday, January 29, 2022

Show at Frame of Mine "The Hill We Climb"


The painting above is called "Going There" and it is in a show at Frame of Mine in my Capitol Hill neighborhood..  Every few months the Capitol Hill Art League, my art association, has a show there.  This painting is an abstract based on the teachings of John Salminen.  I love the colors and I think the show will be fun.  I saw a few of the other paintings in the show today when I took my work in and they are top quality.

I have another painting in the show called "Edges and Bridges."  It is also inspired by Salminen and I did it in a workshop he conducted several years ago.

The show will be up until February 26 for those in the DC area. Yes, it is an actual show with paintings hung on the walls and not "virtual."  Whew!   I'm happy about that.

Monday, January 24, 2022



This is unusual for me.  It is a bird wing of a dead bird.  I did this drawing from a photo sent to me by Ellen Cornett.  Ellen is my wonderful art teacher and she is encouraging us to look more closely at the things we are drawing.  She said we should be accurate in the number of feathers in each row on this wing.  It took me awhile, but I did that and am pleased with the result.  It is pencil--brown and graphite.