My adorable grandaughter Sophia and I like to make a special pastry that involves very thin sliced apples placed in pastry dough and rolled into roses.
What a great treat it is to spend time with a person you love and do something beautiful that is also good to eat. I don't think it gets any better than that. We were having a problem, though, getting the apples thin enough and so we had to cook them which kind of detracted from the final product. Sophia found a solution---a mandoline cutter that would make very thin and very even slices. She gave it to me at Christmas but it wasn't until recently that we were able to use it together and make the creations we hoped for. I do say they were amazing.
Thanks, Sophia, for the time we spend together...and for the great gift of the mandoline which is useful in many ways beyond slicing apples. I love it!