Thursday, August 15, 2024

End of Day West Coast

This is a special memory kind of painting.  It is of Louisa and Peter walking along the coast near Fort Bragg, California (Northern California).  We were there for the wedding of Jenifer and Erik--so it was a time to cherish and be together and create some memories.  We spent several days there, so it was more than just participating in the wedding.  In addition the wedding and the time on the beach, we got to hike in the forest and meet some of the locals.  The painting will be in an upcoming show at Frame of Mine here in DC.  The show's theme is Seashore.  I think it fits right in.  Reception is August 24 1-3 pm.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

TY Catherine

I recently had a visit from Catherine Rondthaler.  We had a nice dinner at my house with Louisa and Peter.   Catherine brought these beautiful sunflowers.  What a nice surprise.

We got to go to a the Renwick Gallery--always a big treat.  She also got to spend some time in the Capitol Hill neighborhood and some other adventures.  A real treat to spend some time with her, and the sunflowers were worthy of a thank-you card.

Catherine was on her way to a memorial service in Woods Hole Massachusetts for her uncle and my brother-in-law George Woodwell.  I wasn't able to make it to Woods Hole, but I did get to see the service on-line and it was beautifully done, with a balance between his professional and family life.  His professional life was as an environmental scientist and he was the founder of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, later named Woodwell Climate Research Center.  He also was a wonderful family man.  We are both honored to be related to him.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Multnomah Falls


This is the second painting in my sketchbook of handmade papers, and is another favorite place of mine.  It is Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge.  It's a spectacular place.

Another reason I love it is because it has the imprint of Howard, who laid out the trail to the bridge...and beyond.  He also oversaw modifications on the lower part of the trail for wheelchair accessiblity.  What an acheivement!   And many good memories for me.