Sophia knows how I love games and she does, too She and I sometimes go together to the Capitol Hill Village games group and we have a good time. It is mostly older people, but she gets right into the game, and they love her and her very spirited participation. Sometimes she even brings friends.
For a Christmas gift, of course Sophia gave me a game. It is called Arboretum. Yes, it is about trees. Very diverse trees, such as this purple one called Jacaranda. I have to admit that I haven't played it yet, but I did read the rules and it sounds intriguing. You have to draw cards and play them in such a way that leads you through a path in the arboretum. Maybe Sophia and I will play it the next time she is at my house after school,
Jacarandas are all over San Diego and are gorgeous in bloom! How fun to play with Sophia!